DEAR DEIDRE: NOBODY really understands me when I say I’m lonely.

I last had a girlfriend more than a decade ago.
She was my fiancée and we were together for 20 years, but she ended our relationship after meeting someone else.
Her life moved on, but I’m stuck.
At 54, I have no children and live on my own in a tiny one-bedroom flat.
I hate going to bed every night alone and waking up by myself too.
I crave that special feeling of being in love with a woman.
I have so much to give to the right person.
I try to remain positive and keep telling myself there is someone out there – I just haven’t found her yet.
But after several knocks my confidence is at rock bottom.
DEIDRE SAYS: It is tough to find yourself alone after years of being in a couple.
Rather than fixating on meeting a girlfriend, focus on making friends.
Out of these friendships, romance can blossom.