Will Smith says there has “never” been an instance of infidelity in his marriage to Jada Pinkett Smith.

Speaking with Gayle King for an extended interview that aired this weekend, the King Richard actor—who’s up for an Academy Award for his portrayal of Venus and Serena Williams’ father in Reinaldo Marcus Green’s acclaimed drama—was asked how he handles “all the chatter” surrounding his and Jada’s decades-strong relationship.
“I have decided that chatter about my life can be of a benefit to people,” Smith said around the 7:18 mark in the CBS Sunday Morning video above. “I think the chatter is the first stage to having a real conversation and being able to truly explore if some of the things in your heart are loving or poisonous.”
From there, King mentioned “infidelity in the marriage,” something Smith refutes.
“There’s never been infidelity in our marriage,” he said. “Never. Jada and I talk about everything and we have never surprised one another with anything, ever.”
Elsewhere in the new interview, the recent Will author also spoke on how forgiving his father helped him forgive himself, his Oscar-nominated King Richard performance, and more. Toward the end of the nine-minute video, Smith was asked to speak on what he has left to do in his career that he still wants to do. This prompted a multi-part answer from Smith, who predicts that his next decade of creativity will include his best work to date.
“Life has gotten really, really simple for me right now,” Smith told King. “I think I’m a better actor than I’ve ever been. And I think I’m gonna, you know, these next 10 years of my career will be the top of my acting performances. But I also feel like I can help people. There’s a teacher inside of me that’s trying to get out. I’ve learned how to be happy here and I’ve learned how to create love here. And I want to share.”
As for the topic of Will and Jada’s relationship, it has remained a source of headlines for some time now, including breakout stories of the “entanglement” variety and more. During a conversation with Oprah last November, for example, Will spoke candidly about his and Jada’s approach to “loving in freedom” and how that path is not one based on a “sexual goal” of any kind. “We are going to love each other no matter what,” he said at the time.
Source: Complex.com