Hemp Seeds health benefits includes supporting cardiovascular health, treating diabetes, maintaining digestive system, promoting weight loss, supporting psychological health, combating skin diseases, a good source of protein, helps maintain cholesterol level, strengthens finger nails, and improves hair condition.
Hemp seeds are a wondrous food option. You can consume a handful of seeds to maintain your cardiovascular health whereas the similar quantity will help you lose weight as well. It is a storehouse of protein which is necessary to promote the functioning of your overall body.
Additionally, various studies have concluded its positive effects on the onset of chronic diseases including cancer, macular degeneration, and Crohn’s disease. On the other hand, the seeds have proven to be active on minor health ailments as well.
You can incorporate an adequate quantity of seeds into various recipes including salads. Nutritionists suggest adding hemp seeds to your smoothies to reap maximum benefits in no time.
What are Hemp Seeds?
Hemp seeds are derived from hemp plant which is also known as Cannabis sativa. The seeds are also called hemp heart. This variety is considered a high growing cannabis plant. The plants use to produce industrial hemp are distinctive from the ones used for marijuana production. The hemp products you find on the market are made using leaves and stems of the plant which make them highly nutritious.
Nutritional Value of Hemp Seeds
- Dietary fiber 1g
- Iron 16%
- Magnesium 48%
- Omega-3 ALA 3g
- Omega-6 LA 7.5g
- Phosphorus 48%
- Protein 11g
- Vitamin E 21%
- Zinc 23%
1.Supports your Cardiovascular Health
Hemp hearts contain essential fatty acids. Nutritionists suggest that these seeds are crucial when it comes to lowering the blood cholesterol levels. The fatty acids found in the hemp seeds can ward off inflammation that contributes to poor blood circulation and high blood pressure. The protein found in the seeds can effectively reduce plaque buildup in your arteries preventing the risks associated with various heart conditions such as stroke and cardiac arrest.
2.Helpful in Diabetes
People with diabetes do not have snack options. They will be pleasantly surprised to learn that a handful of hemp seeds can work well between meals. The seeds provide dietary fiber which is known to absorb excess glucose in your bloodstream. Nutritionists suggest that these seeds alleviate sugar buildup and turn it into energy allowing you to perform daily chores without a hassle. However, in case of high glucose levels, you should consult with your endocrinologist and refrain from self-medication.
3.Maintains Digestive System
Hemp seeds can provide plenty of soluble fiber as well. Hence, incorporating a small portion of the seeds into your daily routine can facilitate digestion effectively. The soluble fiber help keep your digestive tracks clean from toxic substances. This way, you will less likely be encountered bloating, constipation, and stomach cramps.
4.For Obese
Overweight individuals can consume hemp hearts without giving it a second thought. Not to mention, the seeds are a storehouse of dietary fiber that effectively suppresses your appetite. The nutrient is known to keep you full for long hours as well. Incorporating the seeds into your salad or smoothies can provide plenty of nutrients which your body needs to maintain high energy levels. Moreover, hemp seeds contain minimum calories and no fats; these seeds can surely help you shed extra pounds.
5.Supports Psychological Health
You won’t believe that tiny hemp seeds can do wonders for your overall psychological health. You can consume a small portion for enhanced concentration or mental clarity. Additionally, the fatty acids found in the hemp seeds can fight deteriorating brain disorders such as Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease. Nutritionists recommend consuming a handful of the seeds to the people with weak memory. It is worth noting that you can improve mood swings, distress, and anxiety via consumption of hemp seeds. That is possible due to the presence of various minerals in the seeds.
6.Combats Skin Diseases
Moreover, the natural oils found in the hemp seeds can help you achieve smooth and shiny skin. A study has concluded that the nutrients found in the hemp seeds ward off factors that contribute to various skin diseases including dry skin, psoriasis, and eczema. You can find essential oil or other products made with the seeds to improve the condition of your skin. Despite these benefits, it is advised to consult with a dermatologist when suffering from skin issues to prevent serious skin diseases.
7.A source of Protein
A protein-enriched diet is essential to maintain a healthy body. The protein contains ten useful amino acids. Not to mention, you need to consume food packed with protein to reap amino acids as your body cannot produce it. Hemp seeds can become a simple yet effective source of protein. It can strengthen your muscles and tissues. Additionally, the nutrient is essential to promote the functioning of your body organs as well.
8.Can Prevent Cancer
It is evident that hemp hearts are a storehouse of various nutrients which work to strengthen your immune system. This way, your body steers clear of health-damaging factors. These factors contribute to chronic diseases like cancer. A study has pinpointed that the seeds can combat factors associated with the risks of prostate, breast, and colon cancer. However, more evidence is required to prove the claim.
9.Maintains Cholesterol Levels
You should keep your cholesterol levels balanced. Hemp seeds could become a useful source in this context. You can obtain protein, fatty acids, and dietary fiber only by consuming a small portion of hemp seeds. These nutrients will help maintain levels of good or bad cholesterol in your body supporting your cardiovascular health. It is still suggested to visit your doctor when suffering from high cholesterol levels and do not opt for self-medication.
10.Strengthens Finger Nails
Fragile or discolored nails are the indication of weak health. You need to consume foods loaded with nutrients to improve your internal body. These nutrients will help fulfill various deficiencies in your body which often results in brittle nails. Thereby, incorporate an adequate quantity of hemp seeds into your diet and retain the beauty of nails without putting in significant efforts.
11.Improves Hair Condition
Consuming protein and fatty acids are necessary to improve the condition of your scalp. These nutrients function to alleviate factors that contribute to scalp infections. These infections cause hair fall in most cases. You can keep these factors at bay via munching on some organic hemp hearts. The seeds are said to strengthen hair follicles preventing breakage and hair fall at the same time.
Bottom Line
Hemp seeds are versatile seeds that perform various functions. The seeds are also a source of obtaining plenty of essential nutrients. Therefore, incorporate hemp hearts into your diet and embrace a healthy body.