On December 3, 2022, the Catechist Georgina Korankyewaa Fashion School (CGKFS) in Ashongman Estates celebrated the school’s inaugural graduation and ribbon cutting ceremony of its new school Building.

The school has been in existence for the past two years and was named after the late Catechist Georgina Korankyewaa to extend a hand-up opportunity to teenagers and young adults in a manner that personifies the attributes of the late Catechist which can be summed up in her famous apothegm “We look for ways to make a difference in the lives of the needy even as we manage our own life adversities. Because we ourselves, having been rescued from hardships, believe in paying it forward”.
The school’s mission is to prepare and support committed people in achieving state of the art vocational and entrepreneurial skills essential for their independent living, successful career, and contribution to the community. Its extraordinary Vision is to become a center of excellence offering high quality cutting-edge vocational educational training for competent human capital development.
The Director General of the Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) Dr. Fred Kyei Asamoah delivered the keynote address on “Empowerment”. He urged the graduates to stay focused on this chosen field of endeavor and highlighted the critical role vocational education and training plays in the Ghanaian economy. He commended the management of CGKFS for making ICT a part of their training.
According to him, digitalization has revolutionized the world of work through the introduction of smart and automated systems which offer more precise and quality outputs while maintaining efficiency. He said the commission for TVET is committed to providing the necessary assistance to encourage more private-sector investment in technical and vocational education.
Rev Ebenezer Decker, the Resident Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Praise Congregation-Atomic Hills Estates performed the ribbon cutting ceremony to open the new school building located at Musuku, a suburb within Ashongman Estates.
Special awards were presented to top performing graduates with the overall best student award going to Confidence Avegzidah. In addition, each pioneer graduate received a sewing machine to start a small fashion business, in fulfilment of a promise made to them by Mr. Collins Ofori-Amanfo (Founder/Owner of School).
As more funding becomes available, the school would expand its curriculum to teach other basic vocational programs such as Cosmetology, Hairstyling, and Graphic Design. The school is unwavering in its commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and workplace safety. The school promotes a healthy and safe work environment that is free from the effects of drugs, alcohol, chemicals, and abuse of prescription medications, and promotes a climate of inclusion and equality.
Catechist Georgina Korankyewaa Fashion School (CGKFS) now admits committed students (males and females) and develops their creative potentials in fashion design, fashion illustration and entrepreneurship to make them ready for income-earning employment in the fashion industry.
Admissions for the 2023/24 school year is open and prospective students can apply online or pick up application forms at the school or download application forms from the school’s website at https://georginakorankyewaafoundation.com/admissions.