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Health & Fitness

Detoxification & Benefits

Detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin.

So many of us work hard every day and feel like we can barely get through it without needing some sort of energy boost. We tend to turn to sugar for a quick pick-me-up, but that’s really doing more harm than good.
However, sometimes these vital organs work too hard and need a break. A detox diet is a great way to take the pressure off your organs, so you can keep them strong for the future.

1. Weight Loss and Management
Detoxing can also help with long-term weight management. If you’re at an ideal weight but want to make sure you stay there, try a detox to keep your body on track.

2. Better Immune System
When you cleanse the liver with a cleansing drink and give your digestion system a chance to rest by having detox drinks and smoothies instead of heavy meals, you are reducing disease-causing inflammation and swelling within the body. If you’re on a detox that involves taking certain herbs, you might also experience a boost to the lymphatic system.

3. Clearer Skin
By eliminating toxins from the body and reducing inflammation, detox drinks boost skin health and minimize the signs of aging. A detox is one of the surefire ways to clear up your skin. Some detoxes even include a sauna element, so you’ll be able to literally sweat out some of the toxins that clog your pores. But even if you only use diet, you’ll still see results.

4. Boost Energy and Mental Alertness
The ingredients of any detox drink will work together to reduce inflammation, cleanse the liver and boost energy levels naturally. Without the toxin overload weighting you down, you will feel lighter and refreshed as opposed to living with fatigue, mood swings and brain fog.

5. Shiner hair
You might also see faster growth, making this a great idea for anyone planning to grow out their hair. Shiny, healthy hair is yet another benefit of detoxing. Your follicles need the right nutrients to grow healthy hair. A buildup of toxins prevents those nutrients from getting where they need to be and often results in dry, brittle, broken tresses.



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