Charismatic singer, Eben Haligah puts God above everything on his riveting new gospel single ‘Number 1’. Listen here:

‘Number 1’ showcases Eben Haligah’s well crafted vocals and lyrics on the pulsating Willo Pack production as he confidently places his trust in God, putting him before his many needs – money, fame and the countless riches of this world.
Another key highlight of the singer’s new release – an excerpt from the Psalmist is captured in the opening moments of the song: ‘’Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked (Psalm 84:10)’’.
‘’The inspiration for ‘Number 1’ came during one Sunday service when my pastor, Prophet Michael Divine was preaching about King David’s heart for God’’, says Eben Haligah. ‘’I was really touched by his sermon, and as a person who loves God and anything that is appreciative of Him, I couldn’t help but turn my excitement into a song that further exalts His holy name. I got to writing the song as soon as I got home’’.
According to Eben Haligah, the song’s title was brought about by a scripture from Matthew’s account he loves: ‘’Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously and he will give you everything you need (6:33)’’.
Listen to ‘Number 1’ by Eben Haligah here.

Instagram: ebenhaligah
Facebook: Eben Haligah