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I Will Not Beef People I Respect. – Kwesi Arthur

The only Ghanaian to receive a nomination at this year’s Black Entertainment Television (BET) Awards, Emmanuel Kwesi Danso Arthur Junior but known by stage name Kwesi Arthur in an interview posited he will not engage in beefs but may respond if someone disses him.

In an interview with Andy Dosty, he noted, “I don’t know how I will react if someone disses me… but if someone disses me, I might reply to them. I respect some people, there are some people, you can’t insult, and some people you can’t offend, so if someone like that disses me with a song I won’t reply…”

Kwesi, who has been tagged as arrogant by a section of the public cleared up things sharply, saying he tries not to let his pride get in the way, “I don’t think I will offend anyone intentionally… I try not to let my pride get in a way.” Shared by Kwesi Arthur.

The Hip Pop Song of the Year winner at the 2018 Ghana Music Awards though will not engage in any needless beef said he will not back down if he is challenged by a relevant artist in a lyrical battle.



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