Nana Appiah Mensah the C.E.O of Zylofon media, an organization under which Zylofon cash operates has finally spoken with respect to the expose which was compiled by Ace investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas that captured the currently embattled G.F.A president Kwesi Nyantetsi engaging in acts which are considered illegal.
Zylofon cash is currently the headline sponsor of the Ghana premiere league after the organization injected $ 10 million in total for five years as a sponsorship package.
After the premiere of the documentary that wobbled the core of football here in Ghana, there were speculations that Zylofon cash will withdraw its sponsorship, but with this post made by the C.E.O himself, we don’t see that speculated withdrawal in sight.
After being silent on the matter for a while he took to his social media page calling for calm and asking Ghanaians to deflate their rage.
He wrote, “#Number12 Presents Ghana a fine circumstantial documentary (film) evidence, but it is wrong to rely on such a material, which has not been subjected to the standards of the laws or rules of evidence before conclusions. I urge for calm. Let’s deflate our rage.#GhanaShallprosper” he wrote.