Urban flooding has become a major problem in many parts of the world due to its social, economic and environmental impact.
In Ghana, flood occurs every year, which adversely affects livelihoods, property, infrastructure, lives and renders many people homeless.
Most of these floods are caused by dumping of waste in our drainages, this is the reason I Trash Technology Limited operators of Your Trashman & CorpNation Foundation is set to embark on a waste Management education, how to segregate and properly dispose off waste and also having a change of behavior. This is to help curb perennial floods in Accra.
Accra’s exposure and vulnerability to flood hazards has been a major concern to city authorities and residents alike. This has resulted from the increasing number of communities affected, coupled with uncontrolled growth of informal settlements in low-lying and flood-prone areas.
Over the last decade the incidence of flooding events in the capital city has assumed alarming dimensions. Itrash is confident that the education will go a long way to bring the discipline needed by the citizenry to eradicate the frequency at which flooding occurs.