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MTV news shuts down after 36 years run

MTV News shuttered operations after 36 years of running after it endured some major layoffs.

On Tuesday, 9th May 2023, twenty-five per cent of employees across MTV Entertainment Studios, Paramount Media Networks and Showtime were laid off after MTV endured major layoffs in 2017.

The President and CEO of MTV Entertainment group – Chris McCarthy said in a memo to staff that senior leaders in coordination with HR made the hard decision to reduce twenty -five per cent of their domestic team.

According to Chris McCarthy, “This is a tough yet important strategic realignment of our group. Through the elimination of some units and by streamlining others, we will be able to reduce costs and create a more effective approach to our business as we move forward. Today, we will notify employees whose positions are being impacted with leaders communicating the news directly to those teams or individuals”.

Music television emerged in 1987 and was very influential in the 1990s and early 2000s. the first show – The week in Rock hosted by Kurt Loder transitioned into more frequent programming after the death of Kurt Cobain. Over the years, reporters from MTV News kept winning awards. However, in 2017, multiple MTV News writers were laid off as the company re-strategized to focus more on video and short-form content.




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