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Do we make right choices for our devices?

Why did i get this phone? How did i end up with this device? Why do i even have this gadget in my room? This device isn’t that great after-all, i regret getting it!!

Familiar questions right?

Most of us end up asking these questions after purchasing a gadget, usually a phone and most times it isn’t because the device was over exaggerated(we can’t rule that out sometimes products are overly exaggerated) but sometimes, because we actually get the right device but for the wrong purpose.

How is that possible?

Every  Device is usually made for particular purposes, some to suit your camera needs, some to help you around the day, others well.. they were just made for making sake ( i didn’t mention hotwav ssshhh). The most important thing is to know exactly what the  device’s key features are and as to whether you need them or in most cases can afford them.

Most devices that give you everything( Camera, nice design, great UI and long lasting battery ) come at a costly price and are usually out of our leagues.

A lot of us love taking pictures! Every 9 out of 10 people are photo crazes. They would take pictures everywhere, anywhere and everywhere whether its a bedroom or a banquet hall.

For these photo fanatics the obvious choice of phone would be a device with a good enough camera. Some of these devices that are camera oriented usually don’t have strong battery capacity, ofcourse the main priority has been put on the camera, yet people begin to complain when their battery run out after close to thirty minutes of taking pictures or constantly using their internet or constantly binge using their apps. It is the reverse for devices with strong batteries, the ones we usually refer to as power bank phones they on the other hand tend to lack at the camera capabilities or storage or ram.

Nothing truly goes our way unless you are probably in the extremely rich  circle and  want to spend exorbitantly on let’s say  a Tonino Lamborghini 88 Tauri ($5,250), Mobiado Grand Touch EM Marble ($3,100)  or a Sirin Solarin ($20,000)

So what’s the way out?

Battery? The camera? Overall cost? You need to decide what you want from a phone and have clear objectives and ideas about how you’re going to be using it. The Brands are not always to blame.




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