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“Stop Giving Awards To People Who Don’t Deserve It. – Yul Edochie To Organizers

ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA – Multiple awards winning Nigerian actor, named after popular Russian actor Yul Brynner, and politician, Yul Edochie has urged organizers of award schemes to desist honoring and rewarding participants who have shown no qualities worthy of recognition.

According to the flag bearer and gubernatorial candidate of Democratic Peoples Congress (D.P.C.), and Anambra State, in twitter post stated that, giving awards to participants who don’t deserve it makes them believe they have arrived, so they stop striving to improve on their craft.

Yul Edochie explained that, when a player is geniunly rewarded, it build confidence, creates a positive learning environment and to increase team and individual motivation adding that, rewarding someone with a Trophy after a performance can build confidence as it gives positive reinforcement which can be associated with a set of performance factors.

The Bollywood actor stated that, players are deligently rewarded for good performances and good pieces of play then they will feel they are being recognised for their effort and will therefore strive to learn and become better people and players.

He revealed that, sacrifice is one act which still remains unrecognised universally. People have sacrificed a lot for their loved ones, many have given up on their precious things to make others happy. Its a very courageous and strong act, which largely goes unnoticed. There are awards for bravery, for social service, for hard work and great achievements in all fields.

Yul Edochie urged award organizers to recognize the sacrifice of the industry players and duely give them their mantle to continue their good works.

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