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“S*x Sells, But It Will Sell You In A Bad Way” – Feli Nuna

Christened at birth as Felicia Akosua Tawiah, Feli Nuna now as she is widely known has over the period weaved her way into the hearts of music lovers as the only Daavi who doubles up as a Diva but keeps it covered as best as she can.

Nudity has become the easiest way to push a female act onto the scene and we have seen how the exploration of such has dashed the careers of very promising female arts in the industry.

On the topic, identifies Feli Nuna as one of the few who has been able to keep it covered and still pottery her act and sell her craft, we picked her thoughts on the subject matter and she had some interesting things to say.

She said, “I believe people should be themselves and not to allow pressures to change them, if you are someone who does not feel comfortable wearing short things be you, s*x sells, but it will sell you in a bad way, don’t, don’t do that with the thinking that you will get more attention, traction or mileage.”

She gave a dose of advice to female artists and up and Coming’s saying, “ Be yourself, be free, but don’t fall for the pressure to do the wrong things, think about the people you inspire and reach out to with your works”

She continued with the advice, “If you are a young girl, don’t follow blindly, do things that you will be proud of in some years to come”

She rounded up with an advice for the music consumers, “Let’s focus more on the art, their work, the music and the message than what this person or that person is wearing. If we do this it will go a long way to help people desist from indecent exposure and this will help the industry as a whole and not only the female artist.”

Below is an audio visual of her new project “Dream”, do enjoy.




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