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VIDEO: Guru Commence His Hood Tour With An Outstanding Performance At Madina, And Ashongman.

Some few months ago he announced his intentions of touring eleven (11) localities within the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) as a sign of showing gratitude to his fans for their immense support to elevate his craft, however, Renowned rapper and hiplife artiste, Guru, in collaboration with NKZ Music didn’t disappoint as they presented the Hood Tour concert to the natives of Madina.

The event which commenced on the 15th of November, witnessed a mammoth crowd gathered at the Ashongman Atomic Hills Basic School Park waiting to be thrilled by a host of artistes billed to perform on the night, and headliner himself. Supporting artistes, including Flowking Stone, Raskuku, N.Y., Joyce Blessing, Capaster, got slots to initiate patrons into the appealing Ghanaian music space.

Guru assumed stage to take full responsibilities on the night. Guru has something special, that has been en-coated, until you witness him live on stage, you’ll totally miss the goodies from him. He took the event to the next level after performing his hit songs, including, the Bonsam Ani, Pooley, Mpaebo, Bad Energy (featuring Kwesi Swat). Guru does really rule the street with his craft.

On Sunday 17th November at Madina, the atmosphere was on a different level. Guru NKA created an environment that was enthusing enough for the over 5,000 fans to jam along. This concert really unveiled the true colors of his fanatics. They were yearning for this concert for a while and their response also cemented it, as they were cheering and chanting his name through out his performance.

Detailing out the appreciation hood tour, the NKZ boss (Nana Yaw Maradona Yeboah) stated that, the main objective for this tour is to show appreciation to his loyal fans for the support over his 10 years in the industry. According to him, it their responsibility as artiste to always put the fans first because without them they wouldn’t be relevant and over the past year Team NKZ have supported and accepted every song he dropped.

Guru, in collaboration with NKZ Music would be touring various neighborhoods within the length and breadth of Accra till December.

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