Culture, tradition, values or norms are few of the things a typical Ghanaian holds dear and the Ghanaian public will as usual, descend on anyone they feel have violated or gone contrary to such traditions, culture, norms or value: one of them is getting married before giving birth – the case was not different for actress Yvonne Nelson when news of her giving birth hit the internet after 9 months of carrying a pregnancy in secret. The news came to many Ghanaians as a prank but only to be confirmed as pictures of her pregnancy made it to the cover of WOW magazine with the caption “Yvonne in Bloom”.
As expected, she was heavily descended on, the waters became muddier when news broke out that her baby’s daddy was a married man. But in all, Yvonne has seem to have a way to calm the storms and kept her focus on chattering a path as she documents every single moment during her pregnancy into an observational documentary – a full-fledged movie – titled, “Waiting for Ryn” in which most of her colleague actors featured.
The “Yaa Asantewa’ of our time as she was referred to by many after she led the famous “Dumsor Must Stop” campaign against erstwhile NDC government is really exhibiting traits of a strong woman, it is obvious the 32 year old actress Yvonne Nelson is turning what looks like a “disappointment” – Having a baby outside wedlock – into a charm and of course a money making avenue as she made it to the cover of WOW magazine and now with a soon to be released observational documentary turned movie, titled “Waiting for Ryn”.
The observational documentary captures her struggles during the discovery stages of her pregnancy, her dilemma – if or not she has really taken in seed, how she turned things around and the joy it brings, becoming a mother. Yvonne have starred in a lot of movies but trust me, this movie is unlike any other movie you have watched or about to watch of her. This is a full blown observational documentary on her pregnancy and child birth.
Yvonne told WOW magazine, having a baby was something she always wanted since she turned 29 added, “ I pray to God all the time and I tell Him that I want to start a family and have kids of my own, it was part of my prayers”.
Yvonne who recounted how she used to hide and stopped attending events just to keep her pregnancy a secret till she put to birth but was still doing house chores and productions, she said, “I appreciate my family, it would have been very difficult without them”.
Yvonne did not deviate from the norm and tradition as she affirmed her believe for our customs and traditions, she said, It’s good to get married, it’s the right thing to do, but then again if you are a woman and you think you are getting to a certain age and you want to have kids and you meet a responsible guy who hasn’t yet proposed but wants to do the same thing, it depends on you and him”. Yvonne is certainly in touch with her routes and culture for sure.
One thing that strikes me in all these was how her colleague actors knew all about her pregnancy but kept it away from the media till she put to birth. Such loyalty and honesty is priceless, thumbs up to all of you.