On a night filled with electrifying performances and unforgettable moments, Ghanaian Afrobeats sensation, Gyakie stole the spotlight at Kizz Daniel’s recent concert with a...
Gyakie, the acclaimed Ghanaian songstress affectionately known as the “Songbird” is out with her latest recording ‘December’. This highly-anticipated single is now live in...
Ghanaian music sensation Gyakie has added another remarkable collaboration to her repertoire, featuring on NBA star Serge Ibaka’s latest release, “Sudwe.” This is their...
Gyakie has released the visuals to “Rent Free”, days after dropping the singleas her first official single of the year.The contemporary Afrobeats star continues...
Ghanaian Afrobeats/Afro-Fusion artist, Gyakie has released her latest single, “Rent Free”. This would be her first single of the year away from “Scar”, a...