It is common for celebrities and stars in the entertainment industry to travel to the United Arab Emirates, UAE, for holidays and site seeing but Ghanaian Actor, Albert Bruce had the shock of his life when immigration officers at the Airport refused to allow him the travelling privilege.
According to sources, the young actor was refused to go any further after the check point and was turned back. He wanted to go to Dubai on a tourism trip and just to spend some time off the busy schedules of movie production. However, the immigration officials at the airport accosted him and started asking questions.
Reports have it that Albert was thoroughly searched while being questioned about his genuine identity.
Sources say Albert said he was a bit taken aback because he was told the picture on his passport did not match his physical identity.
This situation brought a stand off for several minutes as the immigration officials were seen engaged in a serious discussion with the actor who was pensive at that time.
The long minutes of talk at the airport eventually led to the actor being refused entry into the plane and had to be turned back.
In a later interview with the Albert, he said he was really overwhelmed by the situation and apologised for reaction and for not ensuring that his passport was authentically rechecked for anomalies and corrected.
“There is always a next time. I have rectified the situation and it will never happen again. ” He said.