Ghanaian comedian OB Amponsah has recently garnered recognition as one of Africa’s 50 event influencers, a prestigious list powered by ICS Africa. This accolade...
Ghanaian-born, US-based comedian and Hollywood star Michael Blackson has commissioned a new, three-story complex school, “The Michael Blackson Academy,” in Agona Nsaba, Central Region....
Enthused and fast-rising Ghanaian comedian known in real life as Abdul Umaru Waris yesterday inked a promotional deal with Betyetu. In a conversation with...
Budding but impactful Ghanaian comedian born Abdul Waris Umaru readies to commence a comedy series dubbed “On The Behalf Series” which will touch on...
Comedy express the premium monthly comedy show started the year on a very successful note inside their regular venue, cockpit lounge – Achimota mall....
Celebrated Ghanaian comedian, Kwaku-Sintim Misa (KSM) will December 1 receive an outstanding leadership award at the 2018 edition of Opa Williams Nite of Thousand...