On Sunday (October 1), Nigeria’s Independence Celebration was transformed into a monumental party as acclaimed disc jockey DJ SKY partied the night away with...
Barely 2 months after his historic performance at the Sunset Music Festival, DJSky returned to the Alora Beach Resort to headline Ghana’s biggest beach...
The PAAARRRTTTTYYY is Here!!!! Muse Africa Presents #MUSEBOQPARTY – (SILENT DISCO EDITION) Come party with 12 of your favourite stars such as Medikal, JDerobie, Becca, Eshun,...
One of Ghana’s disc jockey, Immanuel Yayra Kofi Appoh, popularly known as DJ Karmelo is organizing another huge birthday party tonight for his family...
Havana Club, one of the world’s most famous authentic Cuban rums, has produced a series of short videos featuring local personalities including actress/presenter Selly...