Renowned artist, Kid Kwesi is set to captivate audiences worldwide with the release of “Trenches Babies: Mary Jane,” a highly anticipated EP that pushes boundaries and...
Ghanaian-based gospel artist “MAGNUS” is one of the best talented African descendants who has been making waves internationally with every single release. Following his...
Apple Music today announced 21-year-old Durban-born rapper and producer, Blxckie (real name Sihle Sithole) as its latest Africa Rising artist. “This is major! I...
The 18th-century German poet, author, and philosopher, Georg von Hardenberg, better known by his pen name Novalis, once said, “Every disease is a musical...
Kanala as he is popularly known in the music industry and SHOWBIZ, his born Abukanala Percy Akpibunteba is a 28-year-old musician, a unique songwriter...